Personal Document in Iraq

  • Documents must be signed and notarized from the secretary of state of .
  • The company letterhead address must be in .
  • The processing time to certify documents from the state of is business days.
    certification fee is $ per document
  • US Arab Chamber of Commerce will charge you $66 for a 2-way FedEx fee to send
    your documents to the secretary of state of and to receive them back.

In which state was your document notarized

How many document do you have?

US Arab Chamber of Commerce Branches

USACC Head Office DC

1330 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite B1, Washington, D.C. 20036

(202) 468 - 4200

USACC Maryland

1615 bay head road Annapolis,
MD 21409

(410) 349 - 1212